Decentraland Guide! - Explore the Metaverse

Decentraland Guide! - Explore the Metaverse

๐Ÿ‘ˆ Lets Do DeFi Home Page

Decentraland is the first virtual world owned by its users! Enjoy the wonders of exploring a world completely driven by user-generated content and user-owned LAND!

Topic Breakdown:

  1. Decentraland 101
  2. Avatar and Names
  3. Controls
  4. World Map - Districts, plazas , roads
  5. Realms of D.C.L
  6. LAND
  7. Marketplace: LAND / Wearables / Names.
  8. MANA - The Native Currency of Decentraland
  9. Things to do in Decentraland
  10. Scenes / builder

Decentraland 101

Significant facts about the virtual world we know as Decentraland:
  • A metaverse / virtual world owned by its players.
  • Changes / updates to the game are voted on by land owners and MANA token holders (the community)
  • Decentralized world, meaning the game is run on servers globally and cannot be shut down by a central attack.
  • World made up of NFT-tradable goods such as (LAND, wearables, usernames, scenes)
  • Real in-game, money-based economy, transacted with MANA mostly.
  • Currently browser based, but eventually will be VR compatible!
  • Your identity / log-in is your crypto wallet! All of your wearables, land, avatar name, etc... are tokens in your wallet!
  • Land is scarce, by the fact that no more will be created. 43,869 parcels are owned by players, free to be traded.
  • Land owners build whatever they want on their land, and can monetize it how they see fit.

Your Look & New Identity

1.ย Craft your DCL character any way you want!

You may notice that there aren't many styling options for clothes or in-game wearables / accessories...

There is a good reason for this!

  • In DCL, there is an NFT marketplace for in-game wearables!
  • Buy / sell in-game accessories as NFT tokens for real $$$ (we'll cover that later)

Finish styling your avatar, and let's jump into the game. (You can always re-style him/her later!)


2. Claiming Your Unique Username!

Decentraland makes usernames exciting.

Every new player can claim a unique username of their choice, (as long as it is not taken), for the price of 100 MANA tokens.

If you decide to claim a unique name, the name you created will be minted into an NFT token that sits in your wallet!

  • Sell your username on the marketplace if you wish.
  • Buy another username that was taken, up to you!

If you don't want to spend 100 MANA for a unique name, then your username will have random numbers on the end like: KrisKay#3441

Claimed usernames look cleaner in the game like: KrisKay



๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธClick the world to lock the cursor and control your avatar's view.

๐Ÿ”‘ Press "C" to open and close the control panel

  • "M" or TAB opens up the world map.
  • Use arrow keys to move around or W,A,S,D.
  • Press "V" to switch views between first & third person
  • HOLD "T" to talk! **Your browser might need you to enable your mic first **
  • Press ENTER to open and close the in-game chat.
  • Press "L" to open up your buddy list.
  • Press "I" to open and close your backpack.
  • Press "B" to open and close emotes menu!

The World Map ๐ŸŒ

Map Legend:

  • Dark blue (large blocks) = Districts
  • Green block = Genesis Plazas
  • Cyan / Light Blue blocks = LAND for sale
  • Dark Grey blocks = LAND not for sale
  • Light Grey lines = Roads
  • Red blocks will show the land that YOU own while browsing the atlas map. (if wallet connected while browsing)

Click to expand:

Districts (Dark Blue / Purple)
Genesis Plazas
LAND For Sale
Land Not For Sale (Dark Grey)
Roads (Light Grey)

Cooler Looking Map:

Map / Image Source: DCLBlogger - resource here

Realms of D.C.L

To make more room for players as the game grows, Decentraland has multiple realms that it is hosted on.

When playing DCL in-browser, you will notice that the URL at the top of the page has two words at the end like so: the above example, the user would be playing inside the "Fenrir-Amber" realm.

Two players must be in the same realm in order to see each other. Every realm is identical, but the reasoning for realms is to make more room for players as the game grows in popularity. (Just like bowling alleys have more than one lane so more people can play)

Here's a tool someone from the community built to help you see what realms have the most people, and you can hop right into those worlds: REALM HOPPER

Tip: Upon entering a realm, type the "/goto crowd" command to get teleported to the area with most active players.


  • Baldr
  • Fenrir
  • Loki
  • Unicorn
  • Heimdallr
  • Artemis
  • Poseidon
  • Thor
  • Odin
  • Hephaestus
  • Cn86


A total of 90,000 parcels were created within the DCL metaverse. Here is the breakdown of their ownership

43,689 LAND parcels are privately owned by DCL users who are free to sell and buy them on any NFT marketplace.

  1. September 2017 (The Terraform event) - 34,356 LAND parcels auctioned to public.
  2. December 2018 (2nd LAND auction) - Remaining 9,331 LAND parcels aucioned to public

The remaining LAND was allocated to roads and community Genesis plazas that are run by Decentraland developers for hosting events, spawn points, etc...


Estate vs LAND Parcel

  • An "estate" is when a user purchases connected blocks of land, and then merges them together.
  • An "estate" can be dissolved back into the original blocks of land at any time, and resold as either the estate as a whole or individual parcels of LAND.
  • An "estate" can consist of multiple individual parcels of LAND.
**note: When you create a new Estate, you are effectively transferring your parcels to a new token. These Estates are represented by ERC721 tokens (like any other NFT). You will no longer see the individual parcels under My LAND, and they will not appear in MetaMask, Mist, Trezor, or Ledger wallets, nor on Etherscan under your address.

What is LAND?

๐Ÿ‘‰ When you purchase a parcel of LAND, you are purchasing an NFT token that goes directly into your crypto wallet. (MetaMask, Coinbase etc..)

๐Ÿ‘‰ This unique token represents ownership to your LAND parcel, like a deed.

๐Ÿ‘‰ The game reads your tokens in from your wallet and knows what you own.

๐Ÿ‘‰ You are free to sell or transfer this token on any NFT marketplace.

Where To Buy / Sell LAND

๐Ÿ‘‰ Opensea Marketplace

๐Ÿ‘‰ Decentraland Official Marketplace

Marketplace: LAND / Wearables / Names.

Decentraland's permissionless economy is based on the NFT based marketplace surrounding the virtual world.

What is an NFT (Non-Fungible Token)?

๐Ÿ‘‰ A unique crypto token that is a 1 of 1.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Used to verify digital ownership of art, gaming items, etc...

๐Ÿ‘‰ Every NFT token minted is unique, so can't be duplicated or faked.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Since these tokens run on the Ethereum railroads, you can seamlessly buy, sell or transfer them to anyone, anywhere.

The 4 types of NFTs on the marketplace:

  1. In-game usernames: (Claim your unique username for 100 MANA & mints as an NFT)
  2. LAND parcels (each parcel of LAND is tied to an NFT token)
  3. In-game wearables (i.e shoes, accessories etc...)
  4. Scenes (i.e a game you can deploy on your land from MetaZone)

Navigating The Marketplaces

  1. The decentraland official marketplace can be found HERE.
  2. The OpenSea marketplace can be found HERE. (in the Collections โ€”> Filter textbox, make sure to search and select "Decentraland", "Decentraland names", "Decentraland wearables")

Marketplace FAQs:

Q: Why can't I pay with any crypto I want for an item?

A: Most of DCL NFTs are priced in MANA, its native currency. Whatever currency an item is listed under, is what you will need to have in your wallet if you want to purchase it.

Q: Okay I bought a piece of LAND, now what?

A: Nothing! Your wallet will tell the game that you own this piece of LAND, you don't have to register it or do any futher steps.

Q: Why does it cost 100 MANA to claim my unique username?

A: To ensure that no bots or unethical players just claim every name possible and put them all on the market for their personal gains. The 100 MANA for each name claim is BURNED by decentraland, removing those tokens from existance, and decreasing the supply of MANA.

Q: Wait, I can sell my username after I claim it?

A: Correct! When you 'claim' a unique, un-taken username, you are minting an NFT token essentially. Meaning you can sell your name, or transfer it if you wish to someone else.

Q: What is an estate?

A: An estate is when someone purchases two or more neighboring parcels of LAND and merges them together to create an estate. In this merger of LAND parcels, the individual parcel NFT tokens are dissolved, and a new token that represents the estate is created. This can always be reverted by the estate owner or whoever he sells the estate to.

Tiers of in-game collectibles / wearables.


Each collectible is assigned a rarity category, represented by a different name and color and denoting supply of collectible.

Their maximum issuance is:

  • Common: 100000
  • Uncommon: 10000
  • Rare: 5000
  • Epic: 1000
  • Legendary: 100
  • Mythic: 10
  • Unique: 1

MANA - The Native Currency of Decentraland

Coin name = MANA (Decentraland)

Max Supply = 2,194,497,627

MANA Ethereum Address: View Here

MANA / DCL Whitepaper: View Here

Used For:

  1. Claiming usernames in-game.
  2. Buying / selling LAND.
  3. Buying / selling in game collectibles / wearibles.
  4. General native currency for in-game transactions / donations / tips etc...

Where to buy MANA?

  • Coinbase
  • Uniswap
  • Binance

Things To Do In Decentraland

Things to do

Scenes and LAND Builder

...coming soon!


Made with ๐Ÿ’œ - by @thekriskay - share with a friend to help DCL grow.

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